On Fox & Friends: Phil Robertson Jokes About Men Marrying 15 Year Old Girls - Friends Laugh Uproariously!

You'd think that after the dearly departed (from Fox News) Roger Ailes was accused of sexual harassment, the network would be a little wary of guests, like Duck Dynasty "patriarch" Phil Robertson, who have a decidedly kinky worldview.

You'd think that after the dearly departed (from Fox News) Roger Ailes was accused of sexual harassment, the network would be a little wary of guests, like Duck Dynasty "patriarch" Phil Robertson, who have a decidedly kinky worldview. But Robertson is Christian so, as we saw on yesterday's Fox & Friends, it's all good.....

While the Christian right is constantly braying that immoral Jesus hating, gay loving liberals are responsible for the destruction of America, they seem to have no problem with Phil Robertson's promotion of what could be considered pedophilia. It's even more ironic, given Fox's promotion of bogus sting videos which, as part of an effort to destroy Planned Parenthood, purported to show how easy it was for adult men to procure abortions for underage girls who are being sex trafficked.

But the religious right seems to have no problem with the homophobic (but very Christian) Duck Dynasty "patriarch" Phil Robertson who advocates that men marry girls who are 15 and 16. (Keep em barefoot and pregnant so they don't get no high falutin ideas about college which, we know, is the den of Satan!). In a video, Robertson is shown saying, “You got to marry these girls when they are 15 or 16. They’ll pick your ducks," unlike 20 year olds who will "pick your pocket." (For those of you not a member of the hunter-gatherer cohort, he means that that the lil gal will pluck the feathers off the ducks that you bring home for dinner!)

Yesterday, Robertson appeared on Fox & Friends (broadcasting from Cleveland) in order to chat up his new movie, done in collaboration with the Breitbart blog, "Torchbearer." It's an apocalyptic vision of what happens to society when it abandons God. Cohost Ainsley Earhardt perkily introduced Robertson as a man "known for speaking his mind and politics is no exception." She explained that Robertson had been a Ted Cruz supporter but is now supporting Trump. She noted that he was in town because his film debuted at the RNC convention.

Robertson began his homily by stating that this is the closest he's ever come to the political process. He spoke about how Orrin Hatch approached him and gave him some kind words. Robertson continued: "I said, 'Hatch,' I said, 'In Louisiana, we're kinda like the way you are out there in Utah, we don't wait until they get to be 20 years old before we marry them." [Earhart laughed]. "We move when they're about 15, 16."

Robertson joked that he and Hatch "bonded." Cohost Brian Kilmeade interjected, "That was an interesting conversation."

Robertson replied: "He was like, yeah, we don't wait till they get 20 either."

All the Friends laughed loudly.

Kilmeade joked, "Usually, people talk about the buffet and the weather."

Robertson talked about his political views and his movie "about what happens when men forget God." Some clips, featuring images of Hitler, an ISIS leader, and Miley Cyrus, were shown. Robertson said that "everyone who sins breaks the law." (Coveting your neighbor's ass is illegal?)

It is a fact that teen marriages have "historically been associated with a variety of negative outcomes, including higher poverty rates throughout life. But the morning chums think that it's just ducky (pun intended!). Wow - just wow.

And, by the way, while Hatch's Utah is the youngest-marrying state, the median marriage age is 25.9 for women. In Louisiana, the median age for those women not living on Duck Dynasty compounds is 27.1.

Watch it above, from the July 21 Fox & Friends.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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