Fox’s Rod Wheeler Suggests Dallas Shootings Are A Reason To Vote For Donald Trump

Fox News contributor Rod Wheeler didn’t come right out and say the solution to tensions between African Americans and the police is a Donald Trump presidency. But you’d have to be an idiot to have missed the inference.

Fox News contributor Rod Wheeler didn’t come right out and say the solution to tensions between African Americans and the police is a Donald Trump presidency. But you’d have to be an idiot to have missed the inference.

You may recall that last year, Wheeler jumped on what turned out to be a police officer’s suicide to blame President Obama and Black Lives Matter for the death.

Wheeler wasted no time politicizing in this segment, either.

WHEELER: It used to be a time in this country when we were proud of our police officers and we supported our police officers and we held them to a high standard. And I’ll tell you, that has just dramatically changed in this country. There’s no respect for police any more. There’s no respect for the American system of justice, so it goes even beyond the police officers.


I still believe, that at the end of the day, once we get strong leadership in office and strong leadership within our police departments and our communities, I think this country will bounce back and once again, we’ll be a great country again.

Hmm, what “strong leadership” do you think Wheeler had in mind to make America “a great country again?” I’m surprised Fox didn’t flash a photo of Trump as Wheeler spoke.

Host Kelly Wright validated Wheeler’s not-so-thinly-veiled advocacy: “Well, Rod, that’s a very good sentiment and certainly one that we need to hear,” Wright said.

Later Wheeler took another swipe at President Obama, this time suggesting he’s too soft on African Americans.

WHEELER: And finally, I’ll tell you, the African American community must hold each other accountable as well. I’m African American, you’re African American, we have to step up to the plate. And we have to say to our community, “enough is enough.” Enough is enough of battling with our law enforcement officers, enough is enough of killing each other.

I mean, there comes a point where we have to stand up and provide the leadership that’s so badly missing right now in our government.

As if we couldn’t guess who Wheeler thinks might be tougher on the African American community.

Wright seemed to agree. “Rod, that’s quite a powerful statement and you’re right,” he said. Wright said politicians from both parties should heed the message.

Watch it above, from Fox’s July 8 overnight coverage of the Dallas shootings.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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