Giuliani Tells Benghazi Widow To Blame Hillary Clinton

Snake and ex Mayor Noun Verb 911 slithers lower into the depths of dishonest depravity.

Opportunist reptiles like Sean Hannity and Rudy Giuliani do the bidding of their morally bankrupt Reptilian Republican Party, this time exploiting Dorothy Woods, widow of Ty Woods/ Mrs. Woods has been on Fox "News" many times since the unfortunate tragedy in Benghazi.

Fox News never mentions the 13 attacks with 60 casualties that occurred during the Bush 43 Administration.

Before Giuliani joined the conversation, Hannity alleged that all Secretary Clinton was concerned with was getting approval from Libya to assist and which, if any uniforms they'd wear (well, she is a woman, you know). Woods praised Congressman Gowdy for his great work 'uncovering' exculpatory evidence that vindicates Secretary Clinton and President Obama, more than a half-dozen times.

HANNITY: let me let me bring Mayor Giuliani for a second. Mr. Mayor you know, are you in the cyber security business a little bit too?

GIULIANI: for 13 years yeah.

HANNITY: and what are the odds, uh first of all what is your reaction how stupid the liberal media is?

GIULIANI: you could see how I was laughing.

HANNITY: You were laughing! First of all David Gregory, I mean, was he serious?


HANNITY: Probably, that's true. First, first of all, the story here is her extreme carelessness in the way in which she handled national security information. That's the real story here because nobody could have hacked it if she had been careful, right? The fact is that there's a pattern here. She is completely irresponsible and reckless about national security information.

GIULIANI: Mrs. Woods, If she had been a real Secretary of State, your husband would be alive today. What she did was gross negligence in failing to secure that compound. We still don't know where the president was that night. If John McCain were President or Mitt Romney or ME we wouldn't be in that situation.

The lies continued, with these sociopaths' view of what went on in Benghazi: "They were viewing this in real time, (COMPLETELY FALSE) that's what's so scary," Hannity asserts.

Giuliani dog whistles the President using the stereotype of the lazy Black guy in the White House and said "I'd make sure he was awake and in the situation room."

He repeated that he would have prevented this from happening, telling the widow that he would have saved her husband and it is totally POTUS and Hillary's fault this happened.

Hannity asks why we didn't close the consulate like the British recommended? He would only ask that if he was ignorant of the facts, It was recommended that it remain open by someone who also perished in the attacks. Ambassador Stevens did receive ample warnings, but it was on his insistence that they remain in danger anyway. Stevens wanted to help the people of Benghazi, and the predicament was exacerbated by Draconian cuts to embassy security by the REPUBLICAN CONGRESS.

UPDATE: John Amato

When I tuned in to Fox News last night and saw this display, I was horrified. This poor woman, who lost her husband in a tragedy, was used by Rudy in the most heinous fashion imaginable.

In as veiled a way as possible, Rudy told her to her face that Hillary murdered her husband. It's incomprehensible to me that anyone, even as craven as Giuliani would resort to that type of display.

What does it say about that man? What does it say about Rudy, if we use his own talking points, that he supported George W Bush for president after the 9/11 attacks?

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