Khizr Khan: GOP Leaders Should Repudiate Donald Trump
Tear-jerking plea to the House and Senate Republican leaders from Khizr and his wife, Ghazala Khan.
Lawrence O'Donnell conducted a moving interview at the home of Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the Muslim-American parents of a fallen U.S. Soldier who posthumously won the Gold Star and the Purple Heart. Their 27 year-old son, Capt. Humayun Khan, was killed in action in Iraq in 2004, and they suffer a pain that only those who've lost a child could understand.
Mr. Khan had a second part to his moving and historic speech from the DNC that he wanted to share with America, especially the Republican Senate and House leaders of both branches of Congress.
His wife, Ghazala Khan, silent at the DNC, simply because she felt she would lose her composure under such seriously emotional conditions, spoke in this interview. She told us that she pleaded with her son before he went to Iraq. She asked him to please just be a soldier and 'don't be a hero.' He obviously was a hero and for that, she lost her dear son. That was particularly difficult to watch without tearing up a bit.
Her husband explained a part of his plea that he didn't have time to explain at the Convention.
KHIZR KHAN: and as I said. that was only half of the conversation that I had. The other half and I, I share this with you and I share this with your audience.
The other half is addressed to the Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell. What a patriot, decent human being. What a leader he is. And then Paul Ryan, the Speaker of the House, leading the majority in the United States House of Representative what a patriot, decent human being here.
But isn't this time to repudiate Trump for what he has said? What he has threatened to do? This is a moral imperative for both leaders to say to him that enough! You are about to sink the ship of the Patriot Republicans. Republicans are as patriotic as Democrats, are they are half of the goodness of this beautiful country, half of this political process that rest of the world watches enviously, learns from it.
They have disagreed with his practices, his threats to minorities, disrespect to the legal system, legal institutions. I want to ask them if your candidate, and I wish this would get to their ears, and I will continue to ask this question. If your candidate wins and he learns the way he has campaigned my country this country will have constitutional crisis that never before in the history of this country and my cautious compels me under these very difficult circumstances very raw emotions . I am a very composed person I don't become that emotional in public
Khan, such a truly decent America, believes in the two party system, so much so, that he discounts the recent behavior since President Obama took office, of Republicans. He gives them the benefit of the doubt and assumes, as prominent members of government, that they love this country as he does. Far too kind, if you ask me.
Here's a poignant part of Khizr Khan's address to the DNC and, the rest of the world.
The most powerful part of his DNC addresss: This had to move anyone, anyone except a sociopath with a cold, dark heart.
"Have you ever been to Arlington cemetery?" he then asked. "Go look at the graves of brave Americans who died defending United States of America. You will see all faiths, genders and ethnicities. You have sacrificed nothing... And we cannot solve our problems by building walls."
What a lovely couple of fine Americans these two are!