LIVESTREAM: The Republican Convention, Final Day!

We're almost there, kids!

We made it to the last day of the Republican National Convention, and I can tell you with certainty that no one here at Crooks and Liars could have predicted what a cavalcade of fail this convention would be.

Day 1: Melania's Speech (Let's Move!)
Day 2: Hanging Hillary (instead of American Jobs as promised)
Day 3: The Ted Wedding (Game of Thrones for the win!)

And now it's the final day, Day 4.

The speakers for tonight are: Oklahoma Governor Mary Fallin, Reince Priebus, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal, and Ivanka Trump

and then finally, for the fourth night in a row,

Donald J. Trump, Republican presidential nominee

What could possibly go wrong?

Get your bingo card ready and join us in comments one last time...until next week's DNC!

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