Manafort Blames Hillary For Melania Trump Plagiarism Controversy

When you can't think of any other defense, blame Hillary or Obama.

You almost have to admire the chutzpah of going on national tv and repeating the same nonsense over and over, as Paul Manafort did this morning.

Source: New York Magazine

A new plume of flaming refuse billowed above the garbage fire that is Trump 2016. And the campaign reached for its security blanket.

“There was no cribbing from Michelle Obama’s speech,” Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort told CNN’s New Day. “These were common words and values, that she cares about her family and things like that. She was speaking in front of 35 million people last night. She knew that. To think she would be cribbing Michelle Obama’s words is crazy. This is, once again, an example of how when a woman threatens Hillary Clinton, how she seeks out to demean her and take her down."

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