Manafort Denies Any Fearmongering In Trump's Convention Speech

This is supposed to be non-fiction, right?

It's certainly not hyperbolic to say that Donald Trump and his campaign chairman, Paul Manafort have a complex and rather sordid history of collusion with Russian autocrats. It is also not far-fetched to mention some less than kosher affiliations with mob types, for both men.

Manafort the 'fixer' appeared on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace to discuss the climate created by his boss's recent nationally televised speeches (oh, wait, they're always nationally televised). Here's a bit of the exchange.

WALLACE: Let's talk about your convention and your candidate. Democrats are pushing back against Trump's description at the convention of an America in crisis. Take a look.

The clip included President Obama, and Hillary Clinton dispelling the claims of an America in crisis and chaos. Hillary also asserted that Herr Drümpenführer has no solutions for any of these alleged massive problems.

WALLACE: Paul, didn't Trump engage in fear-mongering?

MANAFORT: Not at all.

First of all, Barack Obama is out of touch with America. For him to say that people in the country are happy and walking around with sunshine in their face is not a reality. I mean, it shows, you know, that he doesn't even get what he has done with this country.

Secondly, as far as the Donald Trump speech. It was a speech of hope, but the difference between what you're going to hear out of the Democrats in Philadelphia this weekend and what Donald Trump said is he told the truth.

He said, look, I recognize your pain. I understand it. I know things are hard for you. I know you can -- you're working two jobs and still barely paying your bills. I know you don't like the rising healthcare costs. I know you're afraid to walk the streets, contrary to what President Obama says.

And he said, I’m going to be your voice. I’m going to be your messenger. I’m going to take care of this.

Sure he will, he'll take 'care of this' all by his wittle self. Please spare us. Manafort continued effusively praising his boss, who's also pals with Vladimir Putin. He urges everyone to consider what he proposed in that dreadful Drümpenführer acceptance speech from Thursday's RNC culmination. His solutions, like cutting taxes for his wealthy compadres will save us all. Manafort urges Hillary to listen again, because life isn't stressful enough apparently, she needs to be traumatized a little more.

"Hillary Clinton just needs to listen to the whole thing," Manafort advises.

I disagree. Listening to that crap will just make her confidence in her clear superiority too high. That might, subliminally, encourage others to stay home and that's simply not an option. Drümpenführer must be stopped. ASAP. Abstaining from exercising your voting rights is forbidden when Trump is looming.

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