Mark Cuban: 'Is There Any Bigger Jagoff In The World Than Donald Trump?'

Getting a well-deserved taste of his own medicine from other billionaires. First Bloomberg, and now Cuban is taking off the gloves. Awesome

Is there a bigger jagoff than Donald Herr Drümpenführer? When Trump seemed less insane, (maybe it's a medical issue?) he was a pro-choice, Hillary supporter who had no problem admitting that he had liberal views. I say perhaps the reasons are medical because each time he opens his mouth, he is a study in abnormal psychology, exhibiting traits of a patient with anti-social, pathological liar and extreme narcissist tendencies.

The clip above shows Mark Cuban letting loose on the bloviating yam. The Drümpenführer was formally nominated by the GOP, so I guess he is now officially speaking for the Republican Party. They must be beaming with pride.

CUBAN: I can tell you, with absolute certainty: Companies and jobs. They won't be created by terrifying people. No, Donald Trump. They will be created by inspiring people, like Hillary does Leadership is not yelling, screaming and intimidating.

DO you know what we call a person like that (the screamers etc.) in Pittsburgh? A jagoff. Is there any bigger jagoff in the world than Donald Trump?

I'm from the East Coast, and as someone who grew up on George Carlin's seven dirty words, I was aware of jagoff, and it's certainly not a compliment. However, in the NYC area as sort of a synonym for a jerk-off. It did originate in the mid-west, like Cuban said, Pittsburgh indeed. Essentially, it is colloquial insult for an inept, dim-witted or stupid person, with some masturbatory insinuations. Karen Finney tweeted:

The funniest moment on the Fox and Friends Weekend-morning hatefest, which is a reflection of the main host, Tucker Carlson, happened during the coverage of this Mark Cuban appearance. Kristin Fisher had never heard of the term jagoff. However, when she asked hosts, Kooiman, Morris and Carlson, to help her out with the pronunciation, they vehemently denied her request. When she learns the full meaning of the term, I imagine she will regret saying jagoff so darn much.

Add Cuban to the list of billionaires who are endorsing Hillary Clinton, in part, to denounce Trump and destroy his ambitions to be Amerikkkaführer. Congress will not become the Reichstag and we will not eschew books and other types of fancy learnins. I'm pretty sure I don't want all the billionaires endorsing Hillary, like Foster Friess and Paul Singer. Green energy billionaire Tom Steyer threw his lot in with Hillary Clinton in early June. But they are necessary if we want to fight the GOP. Unfortunately, we have to change the system from within. Does anyone have a better strategy?

Ex-NYC Mayor and self-made billionaire, Michael Bloomberg spoke at the DNC in support of Hillary and reminded Drümpf that he made his own fortune without a $1,000,000+ gift from his Drümpen-vater, a.k.a. 'Friedrich' Fred Trump.

Bloomberg landed some great punches on the third night of the DNC. He called Donald a 'dangerous demagogue.' But the biggest and most decisive knock-out blow was this provocation to the Donald's self-professed business acumen.

BLOOMBERG: Throughout his career, Trump has left behind a well-documented record of bankruptcies, thousands of lawsuits, angry shareholders and contractors who feel cheated, and disillusioned customers who feel ripped off.Trump says he wants to run the nation like he's run his business. God help us.

It's going to take more than the aid of a supernatural deity to fix the mess Donald Trump would create. Don't pray. Vote.

Perhaps we've all learned something new today: the real name of the Cheeto-colored tyrant: Donald J for Jagoff Trump. Amirite?

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