Megyn Kelly And Bret Baier Try To Humanize Hannity, And Fail

Sean Hannity, the authority on human empathy and kindness.

At the final night of the DNC, after Hillary Clinton's historic acceptance speech, Martha MacCallum tossed back to the Fox News elite, Megyn Kelly and Brett Baier. They gushed over the excitement of the first debate, on September, 26 of this year and asked who wouldn't watch that. It's just going to be great!

Then they bring in Fred-Flintstone cast-mold model, Sean Hannity, to lend us his acerbic opinion on Hillary Clinton. I expected the worst and he delivered. Hannity was introduced as: 'if there's anyone who knows about fighting, it's this guy.'

Hannity began with calling the speech 'a checklist speech' with slogans, chichés, no specifics and platitudes. Then he said that she had 'no real talk about accomplishments, because there's not.' Because hey, she didn't start her own Fraud University, what has she done? Makes sense. Then he over blows the alleged power that Trump has over Hillary, or at least what he imagines it to be.

HANNITY: The one thing that stood out in my mind: Donald Trump is in her head. He owns real estate in there. That really came across.

Now comes the part where Kelly and Baier try their damnedest to get him to at least, on some level, admit it was moving to see the first woman nominated by a major political party for president of this great nation.

BAIER: The moment, the woman moment, the fact, you, Sean Hannity.

*Megyn Kelly laughs pretty hard because she knows what's coming.*

HANNITY: Yeah, what about it.

KELLY: Did you feel anything?

BAIER: Were you...?

HANNITY: She once said, isn't it time for a woman president? And I play that cut on my radio show a lot , yeah, it is and I'm all for that. But not her.

KELLY: But not her. You want Carly Fiorina?

HANNITY: Carly, I really like her, I admire her a lot. (Who else fired 30,000 people without batting an eyelash?) I think, I'm thinking my daughter, she could be the first one, if she ever wants to. I'd never let her do this, if I had any say in the matter.

KELLY: Even if she (Hillary) doesn't win the presidency, which of course, I know you don't want her to, history was made and a barrier was broken.

Hannity addresses the election of President Obama and the barriers that were broken, given our (sordid) history with slavery. He sees no real need to elect a woman for the sake of gender or race, for that matter, as he concludes that is the definition of 'identity politics,' gasp!

Not at all surprisingly, he had to get in a dig that he despises President Obama's politics and prefers someone who espouses his favorite fictitious ideas of 'limited government, more freedom and more individual responsibility.' That's because Sean's bizarre definition of limited government consists of trans-vaginal ultra-sounds and widespread discrimination, sanctioned by that limited government. Individual responsibility also includes the rights of five year-olds to exercise their Second Amendment remedies. Spare us, Sean.

The Trump-loving Hannity ended his time with Megyn and Brett with a statement suggesting that if he were going to write a book on platitudes and cliches, that would be the speech he would use to base another God-awful right wing waste of trees. He had to get the final word in, in his typically negative fashion. The barely human Hannity always leaves the informed viewer with a feeling that the world is being run by evil Cylons and he's leading the charge.

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