Megyn Kelly Hosts Mark Fuhrman For More Race Baiting

Proving that no one listens to President Obama over on Fox News ever.

Retired LAPD dectective Mark Fuhrman's racism was a big problem for the prosecution in the OJ Simpson trial. But it certainly isn't problematic for Megyn Kelly who, after the latest police shootings, trotted out Fuhrman for more of his patented race baiting reaction and Fox validation.

When it comes to racial issues, ain't nobody better than Mark Fuhrman to assist Fox News in advancing its racist tropes. Fuhrman declared that Michael Brown, shot by a police, was really "the aggressor" and the case was really about "a black man targeting a white man." He even accused Spike Lee of "inciting a riot" in Ferguson.

Fuhrman and his good pal Sean Hannity agreed that racial profiling is necessary. Not surprisingly, he joined his pal Sean Hannity in supporting George Zimmerman after he shot Trayvon Martin. Not surprisingly, after Freddie Gray died in police custody, Fuhrman told an unquestioning Megyn Kelly that the entire black community is dysfunctional..

Last week, after the Baton Rouge and Milwaukee police shootings, Fuhrman was reunited with Kelly for validation of his race baiting. On the July 6th Kelly File, Fuhrman attempted to exonerate the Baton Rouge cops (the guys whose body cameras just happened to fall off during the incident). He Foxsplained that the cops were just trying to stop the escalation of force and that Alton Sterling (who was on the ground when he was shot) wasn't cooperating.

He attempted to blame Sterling who, one imagines, wouldn't have met with the same force if he had been white: "Now, this man has to take responsibility that he did have a gun and he conducted himself in some manner to draw attention to a citizen who called the police." Suffice to say, Kelly, and attorney, didn't press him on any of his statements- unlike the grilling that she gave Jesse Jackson who appeared on a subsequent interview.

After police were killed in Dallas, Kelly invited Fuhrman back on her show in order to show that African-Americans are out of control. On July 8th. Kelly, who has a history of race baiting coverage, began with "chilling" information about how the Baton Rouge police are facing calls for "revenge" from the black community. In advancing her patented "angry black man" narrative, she reported on several incidents involving black men who attacked police.

After Kelly opined on how "dark and disturbing" this is, Fuhrman whined about how people aren't willing to "speak out" about this scary, black "underground." He accused shooter Micah Johnson's family and friends of not alerting police to Johnson's problems. Kelly showed his sister's Facebook which appeared to condone anti-police violence.

Kelly's guest, author Brad Thor (who once referred to ormer Attorney-General Eric Holder as a "racist") reinforced Fox's patented anti-Black Lives Matter meme when he shouted that "we are not combating this bs garbage out of Black Lives Matter." He complained about how Obama, the left, and democrats allowed "an all out war on police."

There was deep irony in Kelly's lie that the aforementioned groups "paint with a very big brush" (not like Fox?!) when they say that "all cops are bad." Fuhrman dismissed the idea that the shooting of black men is a problem. Ignoring the disparity in the racial justice system, Kelly praised police as "great people." Thor ranted about the demonizing of police. Fuhrman praised police who are being "demoralized."

And if there was ever a great cop it was Mark Fuhrman, amiright?

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