The MSM's Anti-Hillary Clinton Campaign Creates Stunning Liars

Jimmy Kimmel's 'Lie Eyewitness News,' reveals a whole new level of gullibility and dishonesty.

The decades-long hatchet job on Hillary Clinton has been one of the greatest successes ever achieved by the media. The years of sensationalism and anti-Clinton rhetoric has millions convinced that she is totally dishonest and untrustworthy. Jimmy Kimmel's recurring comedy bit called 'Lie Witness News' decided to ask some pedestrians what they thought of some of the revelations, which were insanely ridiculous and completely made-up.

Not only do they believe these absurd whoppers, the same folks who think she is a liar have no qualms about lying blatantly while proclaiming how much they personally value the truth. They are "experts" on her penchant for being a serial liar who is not at all trustworthy. If ever there was an experiment proving the Dunning-Kruger effect, these fake HRC email responses provide excellent evidence.

Because these people believe or feel they are experts, they tend to overlook or diminish information that does not support their particular topic. (or in this case believe information that supports her "character flaws").

The questions they were asked were pretty damned funny. Their replies were pretty damned scary.

INTERVIEWER: Are you disappointed in how many Nigerian Princes Hillary wrote back to, (you) think someone in that position would fall for that?

INTERVIEWER: Were you surprised that HRC forwarded those Bill Cosby jokes to Vladimir Putin?

LADY: pictured in screen grab I heard about the jokes, I did not see them. But it doesn't surprise me.

At least she didn't lie about reading the jokes herself, which was perhaps the only veracious part of her replies.

INTERVIEWER: *asks this to a man with a Russian accent What about the email she sent to Putin asking for some shirtless peck shots?

OY VEY! Of course he knew about "those" and agreed that it wasn't terribly presidential of her.

INTERVIEWER: *to the woman pictured Of course you've heard the bombshell that Hillary Clinton once accepted a Linked-In request from Osama Bin Laden, what does that say about her?

The Hillary Derangement is very strong with this lady. Her response is chilling.

LADY: Honestly, you really want me to be honest?


She's not a true American I see her as a traitor to the country

INTERVIEWER: Because of Osama Bin Laden or because of Linked-In?

LADY: Well, EVERYTHING, faces the camera: Hillary, you call yourself a Christian, you call yourself a believer? but the problem is you don't practice it because you're living a lie and you should turn yourself in.

INTERVIEWER: You should not live a lie

LADY: You should not live a lie.

Absurdity is apparently not a disqualifier for these gullible folks, as each responder fell hook, line and sinker for the silly made-up claims. The man with the mic asks about some email Clinton sent to Sugar Ray which said that 'I Just Wanna Fly' is her favorite song. Of course the next lady knew all about that. She justified her own lies by saying that Hillary has no scruples or boundaries. Then she says that Hillary is 'not trustworthy.'

INTERVIEWER: And you are a very trustworthy person?

LADY: I am a trustworthy person.

INTERVIEWER: You saw those emails about Sugar Ray?

LADY: Mmm hmm.

The interviewer returns to the first Hillary hater of the bit. His final question was regarding the 'email' that showed that she was sending Edible Arrangements to herself, to which the man replied that he had seen them. The Kimmel representative followed that up by asking him if he felt bad for Hillary Clinton. He said no, the reason was 'because she's Hillary Clinton, all she does is lie. Get ready for some irony.

INTERVIEWER: But you don't?

MAN: I don't. No, Never.

INTERVIEWER: You saw that email about the Edible Arrangements?

MAN: Yeah, I did.

The cumulative effect of years of sensationalizing negative 'news' about this accomplished woman is incredibly irresponsible and dangerous. The mainstream media or, in this case, lamestream media, wants to recklessly help Trump win the White House and does so by doing his dirty work for him. Their lies are delivered with the familiar unscrupulous and dishonest style favored by the Tangerine Tyrant.

The best thing about this bit is that it shows what we're up against in this election, and if you are not a Trump supporter, you'd better get your ass out there and VOTE!

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