No, Really! Right Wing Websites Claim Flags Forbidden At DNC
Because they literally have nothing else.
Can someone explain to me how right wing media operates?
Do they just lie to their own readers because they can?
Or do they do it because their readers would eat them alive if they didn't?
Or what?
Daily Caller and other right wing websites (no they do NOT get linked but the sources are outlined at Snopes) have picked up on this incredibly stupid meme ovulated in the tiny brain of some nut, that the Democratic National Convention forbids US flags in the convention hall because....
Okay, whatever. I don't know what they think our motive for "no flags" is and I. Don't. Care.
Look at the video above and tell me who there is not worthy of the term patriotic. Democrats love their country.
I assume Republicans do too, until I see stupidity like this. Then I shake my head and wonder why publications who purport to speak for conservative America repeatedly put party before country, lies before truth, and deception before honesty.
If any of your conservative acquaintances brings up this issue, tell them it is false. Do so calmly and with a sympathetic smile that you would give to a tiny child who wants to know if the sky is made of Blue Raspberry Slushie. Then ask them why 6 Republican Governors, 21 Republican Senators, and every single living former Republican President AND every single living former Republican Presidential nominee skipped this year's Republican Convention.
[Note: commenters have noted that Bob Dole was at the Convention. He has endorsed Trump. Sad!]
We had flags AND Democrats at our convention. Where were your people?