Yay! Sheriff Joe Arpaio Is Going To Find The Real Birth Certificate This Time!
Once a birther....
There is no bottom to the pit that is conservatism in America.
Sheriff Joe Arpaio, winner of the worst bigot in the Republican Party several years running even when it was close, told C-Span that he would not accept an invitation to Obama's White House because he is still investigating Obama's Birth Certificate.
"He doesn't invite me to the White House because he doesn't like my investigation."
"What's the investigation you have going, remind the viewers?"
"Has something to do with a birth certificate."
Jeez, Joe, maybe if you went to the White House, Obama could show it to you.
And hey C-Span, you're funded by part of my cable bill? I was gonna tell you to stop having Arpaio on, but don't. He's a good reminder that nearly every single delegate at the RNC this week was once a committed birther. And how many of them have "Moo-chella" and "POTUS with a bone through his nose" messages archived in their email?
They're a bunch of bigots, and Arpaio is their champion. Thanks for the reminder.