C&L's Editor Heads To Public Radio To Talk About Hillary Emails

Our own Karoli Kuns was a guest on NPR "To The Point," discussing Hillary's emails, the Comey testimony and other political issues.

Crooks and Liars' managing editor, Karoli Kuns, was a guest on KCRW's "To The Point" Thursday, discussing a litany of current political topics, including:

- Hillary Clinton
- "Emailgate"
- Comey testimony
- The election
- 30 years of the "Clinton political machine"
- Personal email server

Of note was Karoli's explanation of her evolving views on Hillary Clinton after reading 8,000 - 10,000 of her emails and finding nothing to confirm that she was "dishonest," and how this actually changed Karoli's opinion of Clinton as a person. To come out and say "sure, I initially thought one thing...but then took an honest look and changed my mind" is a brave and candid admission. Open mindedness in journalism -- very refreshing.

You can listen to the full show at this link (Karoli's participation starts at the 28:15). You made us proud, Karoli!

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