Pat McCrory Calls NBA All Star Game Move 'P.C. BS'

When Charlotte lost the NBA All-Star game over the idiotic North Carolina HB2 law their Republican governor had the gall to call the decision 'PC BS'.

North Carolina's ridiculous governor blamed the "the sports and entertainment elite" and "liberal media" for losing the 2017 NBA All-Star Game, a move that'll cost the city of Charlotte upwards of $100 million and the state itself much more in lost prestige.

NBA's Commissioner Adam Silver has garnered widespread praise for his decisive handling of the situation.

Sean Gentille of The Sporting News gets it.

On Friday, a day after blaming "the sports and entertainment elite" and "the liberal media" for the decision rather than himself, McCrory went on Charlotte's WFAE and got even dumber. Now, it's "total P.C. BS," he says (via the Charlotte Observer), as if only the politically correct bogeymen can gin up enough outrage to make this matter. "P.C." is a beyond loaded term, but at its worst, it's bigoted shorthand, designed to take actual concern for equality and minimize it.

Think racist cops should stop shooting unarmed black men for no reason? P.C. Think trans people shouldn't have to use McDonald's bathroom in abject fear? P.C. It's pathetic, and it's stupid, and it, of course, is the crutch McCrory is using today, in between criticizing Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski for calling the law "embarrassing."

McCrory also took time to set up a strawman we've seen from critics of the law before; 22 states are suing the federal government over the Obama administration’s decision to allow transgender students in public schools to use bathroom facilities that correspond with their gender identity. Why not nail those states too, McCrory asks. Why is the NBA practicing “selective outrage” over HB2 driven by the “political left?"

It's because HB2 actively repeals protection that was on the books. It's a simple distinction that McCrory, curiously, opts not to make.

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