The Post-Mortem Of The Whole RNC Hellscape

A compendium of the goings on at the strangest convention in U.S. history.

Credit: ReeseCreativeArts

Everyone predicted at the start of Monday’s GOP Convention a clusterf*!k of epic proportions. We knew it would be a 4 day-hate-fest of lies about Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama & the dangerous Democrats.

However, even the most jaded political operatives, many of them Republican, were astonished at the level of vitriol that was spewed from the increasingly Rabid Rudy ”Noun, Verb & 911″ Giuliani to Trump’s acceptance speech.

The convention, to put it mildly, was a clown show. That should surprise no one. I mean, when the first night’s keynote speakers include Scott Baio, who has been trying to be relevant since Charles in Charge went off the air and who needed a reality show to find a wife, and the younger duck from ‘Duck Dynasty,” you don’t exactly have “A-List” personnel.

Poor Scott had a hard time before the convention, too. See, he Tweeted something offensive about Hillary Clinton and the blowback against it was so profound that he threatened to sue everyone on Twitter who said something bad about him. Here’s a picture of the Tweet:

tweet removed after controversy

Tamron Hall did a great takedown, that had the has-been former child star stuttering.

Later on, he gave a substance-free speech at the convention that will cement his reputation and make him a darling to the Fox News crowd, but no one else.

Soon after Baio and Willie the Duck and his flag do-rag (remember when Republicans used to complain about sh*t like that?) spoke, it was Melania Trump’s turn. She delivered a lovely speech that was very impressive since none other than Michelle Obama gave much the same one eight years earlier. She was very impressive . She or her speechwriters deserve kudos for stealing from the best, at least. Click here for a comparison of the two.

It is never the crime but the cover-up that results in the real disaster and this was no exception. The Trump campaign went into its usual defensive posture; the six D’s of crisis management: Deny,Deceive, Distract Distort, Dishonest and finally DEFAME!

Credit: PCTC

Tuesday was a much calmer day with the GOP Campaign losers bashing and lying about Hillary. The GOP will say or do anything to distract attention as they have no real policies for American people- Look! Squirrel! By the way, Trump’s entrance to the stage to introduce his wife was almost as epic as Clint Eastwood talking to a chair. WTF is this all about?

And when he introduced her and they were cheering her, why did HE keep saying “Thank you”? To call Trump a narcissist is an insult to those who are “just” narcissistic. He takes it to a whole new level.

Then, there was Rudy Giuliani, who is almost as relevant as Scott Baio. He screamed for about 15 minutes and did little more than look unhinged. Given his audience, though, it would go unnoticed in the room. This guy has gone full-blown loon. In case you want to re-experience that horror, here it is.

The climax of the GOP’s implosion began on Wednesday night when the most hated Republican of all, Ted Cruz, took the stage and refused to endorse Donald Trump. Security needed to escort Heidi Cruz from the convention hall for her own safety. The ugly and pathological fervor of Trump’s supporters became evident when they shouted and booed Ted Cruz for saying, “vote your conscience.” No way we’re showing the whole pathetic speech, but have you seen this at any political convention since 1968? Not likely:

Thursday night when Trump finally emerged in front of a 30 foot high sign a Gold TRUMP -not USA, not Make America Great, we knew we were in for a speech all about himself. Trump shouted, lied & delivered a 75-minute diatribe describing a hellscape of 2016 America that no one has ever seen. It was the worst convention speech ever given. Well, since Pat Buchanan’s in 1992. He cribbed most of the rhetoric from that. Of course, we won’t torture anyone with the whole thing. Here are some keys:

Just FYI, this is not in any way “populism.” Hillary, Bernie and Tim Kaine are populists. This is pure nationalism, and it’s what dooms nations if it is allowed to stand. What was so telling in the postmortem, was not the Democrats or the journalists saying how awful the speech and Trump’s vision were, it was Republicans like Nichole Wallace who cried on camera that her Republican Party was dead. They are right, of course, the old GOP is dead. It has been replaced by an American fascist element, we call The Trumplican Party.

Donald J. Trump does not want to be the President, he wants to be Emperor. When John Kasich was being vetted for the VP slot he asked what his responsibilities would be. The answer was, domestic and foreign policy. Mike Pence would be the new Dick Cheney. When the shocked Kasich asked, what Trump would be doing then, his oldest spawn responded, “Making America Great!”

By the way, for those of you who think anything about this year’s GOP nominee is authentic, I’d ask what you’re smoking and offer this:

Credit: PCTC

In closing, let’s get Jon Stewart to explain just what is wrong with the current Republican Party:

Next week, we’ll probably demonstrate the GOP reactions to what happens at the Democratic Convention. That should be fun.

Cross posted with permission from Please Cut The Crap
written by @SueinRockville and Milt Shook

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