Rove Whines That Clinton Was Being 'Partisan And Vicious' To Donald Trump
Wipe away those crocodile tears, Turdblossom.
Wipe away those crocodile tears, Turdblossom.
Hillary Clinton gave a speech from the Old State House in Illinois, where Abraham Lincoln delivered his famous “House Divided” speech, and heaven forbid, she went after her opponent, Donald Trump, and painted him as the threat to our democracy that he is.
So who does Fox immediately follow up with for commentary? You've got it. Bush's brain, Karl Rove. And what did the man who has been one of the most nasty, mean spirited, partisan political hacks out there to poison the political discourse in this country have to say about the speech?
Clinton was being mean to poor old Drumpf. Boo-freaking hoo, Karl.
Here's more from Fox's blog: Rove: Hillary Calls for Nat'l Unity Before Unleashing 'Vicious' Attacks on Trump:
Speaking from the Old State House in Springfield, Illinois - the site of Lincoln's famous 1858 speech - Clinton spoke about division in the wake of anti-police protests and the attack that killed five Dallas officers last week.
"We need a president who can help pull us together not split us apart, and that is why I believe Donald Trump is so dangerous," she said before attacking Trump repeatedly.
She claimed that Trump would violate the Constitution as president and spoke of children expressing fear about Trump.
"When kids are scared by political candidates and policy debates, it’s a sign something has gone badly wrong," she said.
Karl Rove reacted on Happening Now, slamming Clinton for using the "most vicious and personal tones possible" to attack Trump right after lamenting the polarization and division in America.
He said it was "mind boggling" to hear the positive beginning to the address followed by a "rhetorical two-by-four" against Trump.
"I've had my problems with Donald Trump, but that was about as unfair a set of assaults as one could make. It was the proverbial kitchen sink coming roaring through our television set ... seconds after she said we needed to change America's politics from one of polarization and fear-mongering. It was an extraordinary performance," said Rove.
Rove had better be careful. He keeps this up and he should be worried about lightning striking him.