Scott Baio Wants Someone To Ask Chelsea Clinton How She Feels That Her Dad Was Accused Of Rape?

He seems to have forgotten Bill Clinton isn't running for office.

Just when you think Fox can’t get any more vile in its pro-Trump bias, D-list celebrity and Trump supporter Scott Baio hit a new low.

Last month, Baio said on Fox Business’ Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton, that President Obama, is either "a Muslim sympathizer or he’s a Muslim." Instead of banning him, host Bolton now wanted Baio's opinion on the Democratic National Convention.

Bolton began the discussion with a clip of Lena Dunham joking at the DNC that, “According to Donald Trump, my body is probably, like, a 2.” America Ferrera added, “According to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist.”

Bolton sneered, “Hollywood actors Lena Dunham and America Ferrera took shots at Donald Trump last night. So they reflected what they assume he thinks of them.” Then Bolton asked Baio, “What was your impression?”

Baio responded with his nasty comment about Chelsea Clinton and her father, former president Bill Clinton:

BAIO: Going on those comments. They’re going after Donald Trump. I’m wondering if anybody backstage or on stage actually went up to Chelsea Clinton and said, “Hey, how do you feel, being a young woman, how do you feel that your dad was accused of rape and how do you feel that he had many, many, many affairs behind your mother’s back?”

Bolton did not push back. Instead, she noted that people felt uncomfortable with the start of Bill Clinton’s speech.

Baio doubled down on his nastiness:

BAIO: It’s so easy for the media to ask Ivanka Trump about her dad, who’s never been accused of anything like that. But nobody asks Chelsea Clinton about all the allegations about her dad. I find that so interesting and so hypocritical.

Actually, that’s not true. Alternet recently reported, “A Third Woman Alleges She Was Sexually Assaulted By Donald Trump.” Also, Trump’s first marriage broke up because of his extramarital affair.

Bolton did not correct the record. Instead, she gave Baio an invite back on her show.

BOLTON: Well, Scott when you’re in New York, you’ll sit beside me. I like what you said about being American does not equal getting free stuff. That was fantastic and we thank you for delivering that line. It is an important one. Especially for younger people to hear.

Watch the bias above, from the July 27 Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton.

Crossposted at Newshounds.us

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