Seriously, GOP, Our 'Endorsement' Of Mitt Romney Was An April Fool's Joke

But many of the "Never Trump" crowd want Mitt to run again...

You might remember on April 1 that this blog "endorsed" Mitt Romney for President.

I wrote that post. It was an April Fool's Joke. Really.

But now that the Republican Party is set to commit electoral seppuku by nominating the will of their primary voters (yeah), Donald Trump?

Mitt Romney is all of a sudden the flavor of the month.

The National Review is begging him to run as a third party candidate.

"Ordinary Republicans" have taken to the pages of Huffpo to plead with him to run.

And he's told the Aspen Ideas Festival that his own wife and kids can't stop emailing him about it.

Here's the deal, Never-Trumpers. We were kidding. Lord almighty, we get it that Republicans have the ability to erase their own political memories at will (Bush never happened and history began in January 2009 unless it's about Reagan) but really...this candidate? Really?

It's amazing, Republicans. You had sixteen candidates running this year and ol' Mitt is your last, best hope. Who's the April Fool now?

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