No Criminal Charges In Freddie Gray Case, But Sheriff Clarke Is On Fox

The Sheriff of Milwaukee craps all over the bereaved mothers of murdered Black children, victims of gun violence.

The post below was written before we learned this morning that all charges have been dropped against all police officers in the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore.

Prosecutors dropped all remaining charges against three Baltimore police officers accused in the arrest and death of Freddie Gray in a downtown courtroom on Wednesday morning, concluding one of the most high-profile criminal cases in Baltimore history.

The startling move was an apparent acknowledgement of the unlikelihood of a conviction following the acquittals of three other officers on similar and more serious charges by Circuit Judge Barry G. Williams, who was expected to preside over the remaining trials as well.

It also means the office of Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn J. Mosby will secure no convictions in the case after more than a year of dogged fighting, against increasingly heavy odds, to hold someone criminally accountable in Gray's death.

We wanted to note that horrible fact, before you read the post below. -- eds.

Many of us were taught that if you don't have anything nice to say about someone, don't say anything. I'm going to have to take that saying to the crapper, much like Milwaukee Sheriff and Fox News Token Media-Star, David Clarke has done to the grieving mothers of children shot and killed.

On Megyn Kelly's The Kelly File, Clarke was asked what he thought, thus far, about the DNC. He was especially offended by the passion of Senator Cory Booker and claimed that the criticism leveled upon him was one-sided; as only Trump seems to be panned for his maniacal delivery. He forgot that the media covered his acceptance speech as if it weren't reminiscent of a balcony delivery by a 20th century autocratic nutcase, only thing missing was the Hakenkreuz.

The Fox Sheriff-darling somehow topped any of his previous awful performances, at least the ones I covered, by attacking the women who have lost their children to either police brutality, gun violence, or both.

CLARKE: The Democrats biggest problem: their flawed candidate, Mrs. Bill Clinton. Who should've been under criminal indictment, she's a confirmed liar, she left people to die in Benghazi.

Yeah, we know Sheriff, you can parrot the GOP lie-laden talking points.
Unmercifully, he droned on:

Donald Trump is the law and order candidate (and so was Hitler). This DNC seems to be about embracing criminality and criminal behavior.

It's criminal behavior to play music loudly, to the degree that the teenage young Black life needed to be terminated? It's criminal that a boy was walking home, talking to his girlfriend on a cell phone? It's worth dying to be pulled over for an alleged traffic infraction? NO! It's not. But Megyn Kelly showed her bona fides and egged Clarke on even more, which is the last thing he needs.

KELLY: Tomorrow night (Tuesday), on stage here, the mother of Michael Brown the 18 year-old who was killed at the hands of police in Ferguson, Missouri as well as other mothers of African-American men who have been killed at the hands of police officers, will take to the stage. Michael Brown's mom is the most controversial, however, because he was the AGGRESSOR against a police officer and while he lost his life, the DOJ concluded it was because of his own actions in attacking a cop.

She was infuriating and downright rude, but Clarke found a way to out-obnoxious Megyn. The Clarke monster had more venomous bile to spew. He said that these people were resisting arrest. I think that Jordan Davis and Trayvon Martin weren't even interacting with police, just treated like garbage when police arrived on the scene. Clarke is seriously unwatchable.

Ultimately, he blamed absentee fathers, who are no more predominant in the Black community than the White community. TPM observed:

He blamed absent fathers for the fatal shootings of unarmed black men.

“Where are the dads?” Clarke said. “When there are no fathers around to shape the behavior of young boys growing up, they grow up to be unmanageable misfits that the police then have to deal with aggressively."

Nothing else to do but **FACEPALM** The audaciously cruel way he talks about victims of unwarranted police shootings is just unacceptable.

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