Trump Set To Appear On Golf Channel On GOP Convention Day 1

But aren't Republicans the ones who hate golf-playing presidents?

Everyone knows that Barack Obama is the worst person on earth because bad things happen in the world and he still insists on playing golf. Golf! The nerve!

The party that never stops telling us how awful Obama is for playing golf is about to nominate a presidential candidate who not only owns golf courses, and who not only interrupted his campaign for an overseas golf course photo op, but who also plans to appear (apparently for a full hour) on the Golf Channel on Monday, the first night of the Republican convention:

Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump will join David Feherty for an exclusive interview in an all-new episode of Feherty, airing next Monday, July 18 at 9 p.m. ET on Golf Channel....

The interview, which took place at Trump’s Manhattan apartment residence on Wednesday, June 22, covers a wide spectrum of topics -- both political and personal, and of course golf -- including:

-Why he doesn’t consider himself a politician

-U.S. Presidents playing golf

-Whether or not he will use a teleprompter at the Republican National Convention

-Reaction to the PGA TOUR’s decision to move its World Golf Championship (WGC) event from Trump’s Doral property in Miami to Mexico

-Distrust for the media: Trump -- “The media to me is one of the most dishonest groups of people I’ve ever dealt with.”

-Golf’s return to the Olympic Games: Trump -- “I think it’s a great thing for golf, having it in the Olympics”

-An admiration for professional golfers, including Arnold Palmer, Jack Nicklaus and today’s current wave of young stars

-His recent trip to Scotland for the reopening of Turnberry

-What’s next if he doesn’t win the presidential nomination

Wait -- what? "What’s next if he doesn’t win the presidentialnomination"? Should that have been "election," or does Trump really believes he might still have the nomination taken from him?

I don't really care because that's not going to happen in Cleveland -- riots maybe, murders perhaps, but not an anti-Trump coup.

In any case, it looks as if Trump spends a lot of time talking about golf. It's been a terrible, horrible thing for a president to talk about sports on television ever since, oh, January 20, 2009, but apparently those days are over.

Feherty, Trump's interviewer, is an ex-golfer born in Northern Ireland who's recast himself as a funnyman. I haven't gotten very far into an earlier Trump interview he did, but here's one of the first things he says to Trump (at about 3:53 in the video above):

Well, normally I bring my guests some kind of a gift, and in your case I thought it would be appropriate if I brought an inflatable Rosie O'Donnell. The problem is that we started inflating her a couple of days ago and she's not ready yet.... So w'll have to wait. And another issue is whether or not we can get her in the elevator.

Rosie O'Donnell fat jokes! Har-har! No wonder this guy's show is the Golf Channel's highest-rated original series.

The preview clips for the upcoming broadcast aren't much, though Feherty does say to Trump that many people consider him "a bit of an a-hole." Trump agrees. If Trump were a Democrat and fielded that question that way, a hundred right-wing opinion pieces would follow fretting over the desecration of the office of the president under our Kenyan usurper.

But this is Trump, so it's all good.

Crossposted at No More Mr Nice Blog

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