Trump's Anti-Semite 'Ad Designer' Quits Twitter

@fishbonehead1 we hardly knew ye...

 Trump's Anti-Semite  'Ad Designer' Quits Twitter

Alas, the sucky photoshopper who claimed the anti-Semitic "artwork" behind Donald Trump's latest racist tweet has deleted his Twitter account. The Daily Beast reported earlier:

@FishBoneHead1 describes himself as a "comedian" who will "probably offend you if you are Liberal, Politically Correct, Feminist, Democrat." The account has created or shared several racist memes bashing Clinton, Muslims, and other minorities.

Another tweet from the same account includes a garish cartoon depicting a Muslim man carrying a severed head with an upside down sign reading "Refugees Welcome."

The individual running the account seems proud of their work, tweeting at various news outlets to claim credit.

Well, he was proud of his work until it seemed likely that certain motivated news outlets might find out who he was in real life. Meanwhile, the Trump campaign continues to pretend the star, which again, has been claimed by a self-declared anti-Semite, was just a Sheriff's badge type star, not something to do with positing Jews, corruption, and money in the same image. Twitter isn't buying it:

@WillMcEvoy (named after the character on HBO's The Newsroom) tweeted the following eight questions to Trump's director of social media (yeah) Dan Scorvino, before he was blocked.

Which leaves one more question for Dan Scavino: Why does a Director of SOCIAL MEDIA block people who ask legitimate questions on Twitter?

PS if you would like the honor of being blocked by Donald Trump's Director of Social Media, retweet the above tweets to @DanScavino. Apparently it works really well.

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