Anti-Gay Alabama Judge Gets Caught Sending Nude Selfies
Alabama Judge Leon Archer quit doing all weddings rather than marry a gay couple. But nude selfies? No problem!`
How many more of these hypocrites are going to
This judge, Leon Archer, stopped performing weddings when same-sex marriage became legal. His office obeys the law and issues marriage licenses to all legal couples, so this isn't a Kim Davis situation. Still, he conducted a wedding in 2013 between a man and a woman that was annulled shortly thereafter.
In January, Judge Archer, who has been married for 40 years, began sexting the woman via Facebook.
Facebook, people.
Via LGBTQNation, emphasis added:
The complaint includes more than 60 pages of printed messages between Archer and the woman, including ones in which he allegedly wrote: “I want to hear you moan” and “what happened to us hooking up.”
The messages ended after an east Alabama newspaper, The Alexander City Outlook, reported on them. The newspaper reported that Archer had admitted his actions at the time and apologized.
“Judge Archer made some bad mistakes with a person who admitted having an agenda to discredit him,” Haynes said.
That's the old David Vitter "my enemies will use this against me" defense. And the thing is, he's back at work not holding gay weddings next February. Judges in Alabama are elected, too, so you can bet he'll be running on the anti-gay family values ticket (rather than the Facebook sexting ticket) come re-election time.
Hey Alabama, maybe your whole state's Republican Party will wind up in Hell, bless yer hearts.