Ben Carson Calls On 'Elderly' Presidential Candidates To Release Their Medical Records
When one of your surrogates calls you 'elderly' it might be a good idea to get another one.
Another sterling effort from the good doctor on 'elderly' Donald Trump's behalf.
Source: Talking Points Memo
Both “elderly” major party candidates for President should publicly release their full medical histories, retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson said on Wednesday morning.
“I think that somebody who is running for President of the United States, particularly if they’re elderly, and that would include both candidates, should disclose their medical history,” Carson, a surrogate for Trump’s campaign, said. Trump is 70 years old and Hillary Clinton is 68.
And what about Rudy Giuliani's claim that people should go on YouTube to look for videos about Hillary Clinton's health? Carson dodged, saying:
"As a physician, physicians and scientists generally will not make a diagnosis based on something that they see from a long distance. They want to have the facts."
Willie Geist then pressed further:
"So you would have no diagnosis yourself on Hillary Clinton, Dr. Carson?
"My diagnosis would be that anybody who is elderly should expose their records and we, the people, should know what they are. Because it's a very stressful job," Carson said. "It's not an eight-hour-a-day job. It's 24/7 and we need to make sure that that taken care of."
Which isn't a diagnosis at all, of course.