Bill O'Reilly: Media Using Saul Alinsky's Rules For Radicals Against Trump

Bill-O wants us to believe that anyone outside of the right wing media bubble even knows who the hell Saul Alinsky is.

Bill-O wants us to believe that anyone outside of the right wing media bubble even knows who the hell Saul Alinsky is. Here's O'Reilly during his Talking Points Memo this Monday evening, serving up another big heaping helping of projection and accusing the nonexistent "liberal media" of doing exactly what his network does every day of the week:

It's very ironic. Trump's shoot from the hip, seek-and-destroy speechmaking vaulted him over all his Republican challengers.

But now when he makes a flamboyant statement, it is rammed down his throat by a hostile press.

Some examples:

On July 29th the government announced that growth in the second quarter was 1.2%, a disaster and the Democratic Party immediately was on the defensive.

But just two days later Donald Trump criticized Ghazala Khan, the mother of an army captain killed in Iraq.

Immediately all hell broke loose and the disappointing economic number vanished from view.

Same thing happened on August 9th, as emails showed that Hillary Clinton used her position as secretary of state to possibly benefit the Clinton Foundation.

Big story.

But the exact same day Donald Trump said this:

TRUMP: "Hillary wants to abolish - essentially abolish the 2nd Amendment and if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know."

Immediately the liberal press accused Trump of threatening Mrs. Clinton.

The Washington Post editorialized:

"... encouraging armed resistance against the federal government is not the most worrisome of possible meanings. Other listeners assumed that Mr. Trump was encouraging supporters to train their weapons on Ms. Clinton herself."

Think about how insane that sentence is, other listeners assume Trump wants Clinton murdered.

Yet the Washington Post editorial board printed that insanity.

Why? Well, they despise Donald Trump and are using Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, number 13 quote:

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy."

That's what the anti-Trump press is doing.

Sorry O'Reilly, but we all know exactly what Trump meant when he made that not so thinly veiled threat.

h/t Media Matters

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