Claire McCaskill--'Trump And His Friend Putin Are The Founders Of ISIS'
McCaskill bats away the pesky attempts to thwart Clinton, coming from Trump's floundering campaign
The Republicans are desperately throwing everything, including the kitchen sink, at the Hillary Clinton campaign in an effort to detract from the daily embarrassment that is the Trump campaign. The most powerful weapon the GOP is trying to hurl at Hillary stems from two emails out of tens of thousands, that seem to infer that Clinton Global Initiative benefited from her State Department connections to increase the coffers of the CGI.
It is worth noting that the CGI is not an arm of wealth creation for Bill and Hillary Clinton. As Sen Claire McCaskill explained to Fox News Sunday:
How much time has been given to really talk about the work of the Clinton Foundation? This wasn't money going in the Clinton family's pocket. This was money going to fight malaria and AIDS and to lower child mortality around the globe.
Earlier in the broadcast, Chris Wallace interviewed floundering VP nominee Mike Pence who's had a terrible record of Draconian budget cuts, misogyny and homophobia, and so he really deserves to be pounded by the media. This is an excerpt from the interview, which is some of the most perfidious treachery I've ever heard. When asked to account for all the idiocy of the Trump campaign, he replied:
PENCE: I really couldn't be more honored to be standing shoulder to shoulder with Donald Trump. Look, he's not someone that spent a lifetime in politics. He speaks his heart and he speaks his mind. And I truly do believe, this good man is going to be a great president of the United States.
Wallace spoke with long-time Hillary Clinton supporter Senator Claire McCaskill regarding emails and the Trump (sarcastic?) assertion that that President Obama and Hillary's foreign policy created ISIS, therefore they are the founders of the terrorist group.
WALLACE: You just heard Governor Pence say that the American people have a right to know if there was a pay to play situation. Do you support the idea of an investigation?
SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL: Well, first of all, let's give this context, Chris. This was a right wing partisan organization, Judicial Watch, that has been after Hillary Clinton for decades. They got thousands of emails. They released two of them, trying to give the perception of a problem.
But if you really look at those two emails, one was about recommending a former staffer for a job and other was just somebody who wanted to give the State Department information. There's no evidence that Hillary Clinton ever changed anything she did in the State Department based on any activities of the Clinton foundation. There's none.
Wallace tried to use the two emails in question as proof of wrongdoing, which McCaskill shot down with the simple fact that there is no direct connection to the emails and what transpired with the billionaire from Nigeria, of Lebanese descent, Gilbert Chagoury.
Wallace's next mission was to decry the Obama Administration for poor economic performance, which McCaskill quashed quickly with the job creation statistics of roughly 75 months of positive growth. Wallace attempted to lend credence to Drumpf's economic platform and the Missouri Democrat dismissed his claims by explaining that the trickle down stupidity Trump espouses has never worked and will fail miserably once again.
Wallace pivoted to the foreign policy debacles that Herr Drumpf attributes to President Obama and Secretary Clinton. When Wallace tried to pin a record of neglect in fighting ISIS, Senator McCaskill gave some impressive statistics in the recent battle against the Islamic State. Wallace then asked about Hillary Clinton's 'role' in creating ISIS.
WALLACE: Doesn't she bear some responsibility if not the founder, some responsibility for the rise of ISIS?
MCCASKILL: There's a lot of reasons that ISIS rose up. One of them was the status of forces agreement known as SOFA that Bush negotiated. We couldn't leave our troops in Iraq even if the president wanted to because the parliament in Iraq was refusing to give them immunity.
Now, Trump probably thinks the SOFA, the status of forces agreement, is a gilded couch at Mar-A-Lago. He probably doesn't know what SOFA is. But that was a very relevant part of this.
It was also important to realize that Assad, by what he did in his country, allowed ISIS to move into what was then Iraq -- al Qaeda in Iraq into Syria and get strongholds and recruit. That was the work and support of Putin who is Trump's best buddy. So, you can say Trump and his friend Putin are the founder of ISIS, which probably would be more accurate than calling out the commander-in-chief in that way.
Wallace replied,
Well, I’m glad for that last comment. That will certainly get Donald Trump's attention.
Sadly, that will get his attention and McCaskill will be the subject of his next misogynist attacks, or perhaps he'll blame the entire Ferguson P.D. debacle on her. Who knows? One thing's for certain, his response will not be the careful, measured words of an actual candidate for POTUS.