Eric Bolling Calls Out 'Republicans' At Fox News Who Won't Vote Republican?

Uh oh. Trouble at Fair and Balanced....

First of all, when a Fox News reporter compares the Republican nominee to an unbroken horse, there's a problem.

And there's a real problem at Fox News. Their own polling shows the Republican candidate for President is not going to win, and even worse that half of your own poll respondents think the Republican candidate is not behaving well when it comes to things like Gold Star Families.

On Fox News "The Five," Eric Bolling still thinks Trump can win. And...get this...he thinks American's short five-minute attention spans...helps Trump and will lead to an election victory.

Jedediah Bila is having none of it.

"He needs to stop saying dumb stuff!" She says. "People feel he's everyman. He represents me in some ways, but I'm not fit to be President of the United States, and maybe he isn't either. He's going to have to convince...people that he's not only somehow, competent, but there is a component of him that is Presidential. When he's dealing with world leaders, that we don't have to worry about what he's gonna tweet, and what he's gonna say. When you become President, it's just different. You're no longer a reality TV star, and you're no longer a political commentator, you're President of the United States, and those words have consequences.

Is he fit for the job? I don't know."

Oh yes, you do, Jedediah, but you're paid not to say the thing you just proved in your whole argument.

Juan Williams tries to close out the segment on a higher note: "You'd think Republicans would want to vote for a Republican."

Eric Bolling is clearly put out. "You know there are [making air quotes] "Republicans" who are on this network who will not vote for the Republican!"

Juan Williams says, "You're getting bitter and angry, Eric, so I'm gonna move on."

Eric Bolling is bitter and angry because with his five minute attention span and no Mister Ailes to tell everyone on staff they have to vote Republican, it's chaos around here!

It couldn't happen to a nicer Bullsh*t Mountain.


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