Updated: FBI Baits Republican Representatives - Let's See If It Works!
Some people think the FBI release of research notes to Congress is to help the GOP Congressional Reps. However, it's really a cunning mouse trap.
More Clinton Email news fresh off the presses!
Tuesday, at a request from Congressional committee members (all Republican), the FBI turned over its research notes from the Clinton email investigation, known as "302s".
The move was unprecedented. The Republican Congressional reps are gloating about their latest triumph.
However, a cover letter cleared Clinton on the infamous "small-(c)" emails. More importantly, it noted, again, that Clinton did not break the law. End of story.
The FBI also released classified and Top Secret information to committee members. Material which the members can't release to the public.
Comey calls it transparency.
I call it bait.
Well, that didn't take long.