Florida And Arizona Primaries Open Thread (Update 5)

The Senate Races and more....

Florida And Arizona Primaries Open Thread (Update 5)

Polls close in Florida at 7 Eastern, and in Arizona at 7 Mountain.

Primary open thread; we'll update as results come in.

Update 1:

AP calls the Senate primaries for Marco Rubio and Patrick Murphy.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz leads against Tim Canova in her district, but race not yet called.

Dena Grayson, Alan Grayson's wife, is trailing two other candidates in the race to replace Grayson in the House.

Dan Bongino also lost his primary. He's 3 for 3. Maybe he should find a different line of work.

Update 2:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is called the winner in FL-23, 57-43.

Canova, however, is not ready to concede anything yet.

Update 3:

Florida prosecutor Angela Corey lost her primary tonight. Unfortunately, it's a pyrrhic victory.

Update 4:

John McCain is crushing his nasty opponent, Kelli Ward. Now it's time for us to work so Ann Kirkpatrick crushes him. He needs to wear Trump daily, every day.

In other news, Sheriff Joe Arpaio easily won his primary in order to run for a 7th term. I'm betting his referral on criminal charges won't faze the haters who keep electing him.

Update 5:

AP calls it for McCain. Let's hope his opponent crawls back under whatever rock she emerged from.

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