Duncan Hunter's Excuse For Trump? 'He Doesn't Have A PhD In Grammar'

How could we possibly expect a business man to speak proper English?

Yesterday's 'Second Amendment remedy' comments by Herr Drümpenführer are still front and center in social media, at least until the GOP Nominee utters his next insane outburst. Wolf Blitzer attempted to extract a truthful response about the comments from Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA.-R). an apologist for Donald Trump, and you can imagine how well that went.

Blitzer implored him to honestly admit that he understood.

"why they're suggesting he was entering into this is awful world of potential violence."

The reason he excuses Trump's irresponsible and inflammatory comments might actually surprise you more than the fact that Trump suggested shooting his opponent.

HUNTER: So I would disagree with you on this point. You're treating Trump's words like he is the most articulate person who's ever graced our ears with his words and, and that is not true. He is not a politician, he is not a person like you who is very articulate, very well-spoken; he's a business person who's running for president.

How can anyone expect an Ivy League-educated business man to be able to put his thoughts into words in a logical sequence? How preposterous! Hunter continued his cavalcade of excuses for Drumpf.

But also let's say that he was an English professor with a PhD in grammar, then I think that we could go through it this way and dissect what he said, literally, based off the sequence that he said it. But I'm not, I'm not doing that with Mr. Trump because you can't do that with Mr. Trump. Right? I mean, sometimes he says things that end with the way it comes out is not what he means. This is not an assassination talk it's not talk about violence. It's talk about beating Hillary Clinton.

In the meantime, Politifact goes through the motions of a whole phonological analysis of one Hillary Clinton sentence to "disprove" the Trump campaign's lie that she... wants to raise taxes on the middle class?

No bar for any office has been set lower than Drumpf's bar as a Presidential candidate.

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