Irony Is Dead Because Of Bill O'Reilly, Again
"Who is safe from the garbage that is social media?" asks Bill. O. Reilly. Not making that up.
There's a regular feature over at the funny blog "Mock, Paper, Scissors" called
"Eiron, the Goddess of Irony, laughed so hard she farted"
I thought of that immediately when this video of Bill O'Reilly came across my screen this morning. Via Media Matters:
BILL O'REILLY (HOST): On the internet there are vicious people who go after, and we will probably be trolled tonight, individuals smearing them in the worst possible ways. And there is no regulation, they can't stop it.
My main point is this: that there is so much garbage on [the internet] and that garbage finds its way out into the legitimate media. And with the destruction of Gawker thanks to the heroism of Hulk Hogan, one is down, but there are 50 to take their place, Dr. Booth. And now we're having mainstream media quote this stuff. It's all, don't blame me, I saw it on social media. It's like nobody is safe. Who is safe, Dr. Booth, from this? Who? Who is safe?
Who is safe from BillO's "War on Christmas"?
Who is safe from BillO's consistent race-baiting?
Who is safe from all the alleged BillO sexual harassment?
Honestly, I love Media Matters. Once Bill O'Reilly retires, unless the Murdoch boys are, by some miracle, able to find an equally offensive loud obnoxious dry drunk Irish peasant class a-hole (quite a big pair of boots to fill) I wonder how MM will survive the drop in source material.
PS. No Bill O'Reilly, you're not safe from my social media "garbage." But I'm not holding my breath that the truth about your sexual harassment proclivities will "leak out" into mainstream media. Fox's lawyers always put that gag clause in their settlements for a reason, and that reason is you.