McCain Declines To Say Whether Trump Should Have The Nuclear Codes
The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services offers no opinion.
Sen. John McCain offers no opinion. His silence therefore speaks volumes.
Source: Greg Sargent/Washington Post
John McCain — one of the most respected voices in the Republican Party on national security — was asked a direct question: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump possibly having control of our nuclear arsenal?
This should be a no-brainer, since McCain is supporting Trump for president, a gig that includes having a measure of control over that aforementioned nuclear arsenal.
But in answering the question, McCain pulled a big time homina homina homina. He declined to answer, other than to say: This is on you to figure out, American voters!
QUESTION: Are you comfortable with Donald Trump possibly having control of the nuclear arsenal?
McCAIN: [Silence, followed by unintelligible stammering.] Anyone that the people of this country choose to be the commander in chief and the President of the United States — therefore can lead this country, and will lead in a responsible fashion. Anyone who is elected president fairly in this country. And that’s the way that our democratic system works. That’s how our government works. The American people select the next president of the United States, knowing full well what the role of the commander in chief is. Therefore, I have the utmost respect for the verdict of the people.