Melissa Etheridge's Clinton Endorsement? Priceless
'It's as if 2016 is being directed by Quentin Tarantino.' Melissa says it best.
Melissa Etheridge, social advocate and famous musician, is a well-known supporter of Hillary. When asked why she is "with her," Etheridge makes a face that says "Duh!" and at the same time speaks many more volumes. As an entertainer, Etheridge has an understanding of American culture and the natural consequence of a generation raised on the teevee: the formation of the GOP's nominee, Trump:
A few months ago I realized that 2016 is being directed by Quentin Tarantino, and then; it's gnarly,gnarly! And it's just of course, of course, this election is about what it's about. Of course Donald Trump is running because we created him. You know the, the, our entertainment industry created that. Our electoral system became a television show, (it) created that. That conflict is, "interesting and entertaining" created that.
In a matter-of-fact way, Etheridge looks on the bright side: this, Donald Trump, needed to happen. This creation needed to bubble up from the bowels of society.
He's pandering to people watching TV who, unfortunately, this is most of what they do and we, you know what I mean? You know what I mean? They are afraid, again it's fear, they are afraid of anything that's different than this very narrow life that they lead. And to combat fear, we can't combat it with hate, we can't combat with fear, it doesn't work! You have to come in, you have to be loving, you have to say I'm actually grateful for Donald Trump running for president because it brings all of this right up to the surface.
Why not embrace this as the natural consequence of a society steeped in fake values, a society that loves trivial conflict and manufactured drama? Let's take a different approach to Trump (who, by the way, Etheridge first met at a gay wedding.). Melissa thinks overcoming Trump is a healing process, and she's optimistic about this upcoming election.
The issue is finally right out, it's right out front, that people are are saying it is great because when Hillary is elected in the landslide that I believe she will be elected in, that FEELING is going to be so good! It is gonna feel so good to move on from that and say okay now; let's get down to business. Let's, let's raise the rest of our country up, even though they don't want it, let's raise them up and bring them along with us because that's what we do in America.
She knows America, and she knows that there is a segment of the population that watches Fox News and clings to right wing-memes circulated among the Teabagger / Facebook crowd. She knows that many of them do not want what's best and will vote contrary to that objective. We'll bring them along anyway.
In all, I'd say this is a pretty fine endorsement not only of Hillary Clinton, but of American values.