Mercedes Schlapp Finds The Truth Of Trump's Racism 'Insulting'

Is Trump's unmistakable popularity among White Supremacists/Alt-Right Republicans really such a surprise?

In the modern era, especially the digital age, a time when we have access to recorded quotes and news events, one might imagine that the existence of such evidence would deter a person from blatantly lying. If you're Donald J. Trump, past pronouncements and behavior, no matter how offensive or embarrassing simply don't matter and we can pretend they never happened. The racist White-supremacist element he attracts, for good reason, is thrilled by his candidacy and has stated so more times than he'd care to admit.

There are numerous stories from non-White employees at Trump's Atlantic City casino(s) where the Black employees would have to hide from the owners when they dropped by for a visit. A former employee named Kip Brown recalled one of those instances clearly.

When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor. It was the Eighties, I was a teenager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Fox 'News' America's Newsroom, which is the continuation of the Fox and Friends morning dose of fake news, featured Fox Regular liberal contributor, Juan Williams and ex-Bush 43 media spokesperson, Mercedes Schlapp. Mercedes, to put it mildly, is simply miffed at this latest strategy of the Clinton campaign to call attention to this very real White-supremacy element of the Trump folks and a good portion of the Republican Party.

SCHLAPP: Well I think Hillary Clinton has decided that she is going to go down this very dangerous path of accusing someone of being racist and acute and basically inferring that these Trump supporters are racist. I mean I think that that is just so disturbing to decide upon using that word so freely. And attacking Donald Trump and even that video? Come on Juan! That was really, uh, gosh. They went way too far, the Hillary campaign; by pushing forward a villain video connecting the White-supremacy movement to Donald Trump. (clutches pearls)

I find that this is not the discussion that we need to be having in America in terms of pointing the finger;and for Hillary Clinton to to have this pivot of saying we're going down this racist route, I think is incredibly disturbing.

Juan Williams gives a very specific example that disproves her assertion that there's really no connection between the Trump campaign and the White supremacists.

WILLIAMS: But Mercedes the reality is at this moment that you have a David Duke saying to his supporters you're

SCHLAPP: Trump has disavowed David Duke (after claiming he had no idea who he was).

WILLIAMS: Hang on, hang on. You're a traitor to the White race unless you vote for Trump? That is a total racial appeal, from this moment in this campaign!

Nice try, Mercedes, but there's no denying the allure of Donald Trump to those who wish to maintain the 'purity of the White Race' ever since he mentioned he wanted to build the 'Wall that the Mexicans will pay for.' From the group known as VDARE (a group seeking to maintain the purity of the original first-born of the American Colonies, Virginia Dare) to the more well-known KKK, the White-supremacists are out and they are proud to show themselves for the racists they are. This should come as no surprise to anyone in the GOP. They built every inch of this monster and they know it. Now own it!

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