Nude Donald Trump Statue Miraculously Appears In NYC

Don't look Ethel! But it was too late.

The video above shows an artistic depiction of Donald Trump's genitals. Safe for work? Depends on where you work, right?

The question about the appropriateness of showing a statue that reveals Donald Trump's private parts (no, not his tax returns) is, are the parts in question tiny enough not to be obvious, or tiny enough to BE obvious?

It appeared in Union Square, NYC, and other cities this morning. DNAInfo reports:

The full-frontal sculpture of the Republican presidential candidate, which was glued to the cobblestones with epoxy, stood for two hours before being removed by the Parks Department around 1:20 p.m. The statue featured such realistic details as an orange comb-over, flesh-colored skin, veins and a protruding belly. It was one of five replicas installed in cities around the country.

INDECLINE, which called the statue "The Emperor Has No Balls" in a plaque at its base, released a statement Thursday saying, "Unlike the statues, it’s our hope that Donald Trump, our modern day Emperor of Fascism and Bigotry is never installed in the most powerful political and military position in the world."

INDECLINE describes itself as an "activist collective" and has also taken credit for such as stunts as creating the largest piece of illegal graffiti in the world, and spray painting an anti-Trump mural on the U.S.-Mexico border.

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