Morning Joe: Donald Trump Knows He's Going To Lose

And the boys at Morning Joe can't stand this story line.

The gang at Morning Joe are very disappointed in Donald Trump. He's been in self-destruct mode since the convention, and Joe Scarborough whines that everyone including Trump's family knows that he cannot contain his message and behavior in the campaign.

Trump says The New York Times is going to Hell. Keep an eye particularly on Mark Halperin's face while the Times's Nick Confessore talks about Trump's self destruct mode. He's wincing.

It really is the end of that nursery rhyme on the Morning Joe set.

All of Joe's horses,
And all of Joe's men,
Can't put the Trump campaign
Together again.

And the dismissal of Hillary Clinton's mandate is already beginning. She's going to win because she's "not Trump," and Trump "is making it easy for her." This dismissal of the millions of voters who supported Clinton in the Primary and moreso in the general election are dismissed because of the weakness of the candidate they built.

The Morning Joe team will do anything to keep the Republican Party propped up for another election cycle, no matter how many times the Party wants to jump off of Trump Tower.

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