Koch Stooge And Bundy Ranch Racist Cresent Hardy MUST Be Defeated

The choice between Cresent Hardy (R) and Ruben Kihuen is simple. Like choosing between Trump and anyone else with morals.

Every state seems to have their own awful Congressperson, and Nevada is no exception. Now that the Harpy, Michele Fiore, is out of the picture (at least for now), let's focus on the race for Nevada's 4th, which is held by Cresent Hardy (R). The 4th is in Southern Nevada, which extends northward up to Bunkerville, home of those lovely Bundy folks.

Charles and David Koch have decided to forego the POTUS race, so they are really honing in on Nevada and spending bank on helping terrible Republicans win. It is in the realm of possibility Reid's seat and NV-4 could go Red and protect GOP majorities. The Kochs won't donate to Trump, because, I guess the Kochs are frustrated by reality: the fact that their party, the GOP nominated the most quintessentially unqualified, abusive, selfish, egotistical and dishonest candidate they've ever nominated. It's hard for them to come to terms with the fact that Trump is the end result of thirty-five plus years of GOP malevolence, going all the way back to Lee Atwater, and beyond.

Hardy is a member of the Mormon Church and BFF to the Bundy Klan. I kinda knew that he is practically to the right of Ted Cruz, but I had yet to hear him interviewed in depth. I caught this July 31 local program and it had me fuming, to say the least.

Much of who Hardy is has been shaped by the Mormon faith. Women don't have the same rights as men in the Fortune 500 faith. Cresent Hardy is definitely not atypical. Back in October, 2014 Hardy showed his true colors.

Women, minorities, and young voters are the reason the country is in trouble and that they were the ones who elected President Barack Obama, which led to the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act. Among other things...I’m sorry, it was women and youth under 30 years old that put Obama in the white house again….Guess who’s paying the biggest price right now? The minorities and women.

A little history is in order.

Hardy narrowly took the seat from a Democrat in a district that is over 30% Hispanic. During the TV interview, he used phraseology like:

You know, I don't believe in amnesty in any way shape or form. But if we think we're going to gather people up and ship them out of here by the masses. That's not going to happen.

Since he narrowly won the last election, we'd have to assume GOP voter suppression techniques are pretty successful. They'd have to be, to make a large Hispanic population forget about his hateful remarks.

Odds are that because he's a high-ranking LDS Stake official, he can use teenagers looking for work credit (tithing with service, before you have to give your money to the cult) to knock on doors for him. He brags that he comes back to NV from DC every weekend, but the small-government Republican forgets to mention who is footing the bill for this constant travel. He portrays his predecessor, Black Democrat Steven Horsford, as a lazy, typical blah guy, who likely didn't want to pilfer his constituents out of exorbitant travel expenses.

He made it a point to mention that his staff feels he's not doing enough to get himself reelected, he just keeps working so dang hard for his 'people.' Hardy boasts that he comes back all the time to listen to "important constituent concerns" like the Death Tax, which only affects about 1% of his constituents. A family of six living on $30,000 really cares about rich peoples' taxes, apparently. They also hate having healthcare, at least that's what you'd think if you listen to Cresent who finds the ACA abhorrent and useless. He has great health insurance, why would he care?

Hmmm... I wonder if he hires folks like Willard Romney's "illegals" to do his housework, so I guess that's why we can't ship all of the help outta here, right? We can't do that, but the GOP can make it damned near impossible or them to vote for that 'Democrat Party.'

The reason a heartless, lawless thug like Hardy can be up by TWO points in the polls has a lot to do with his wealthy benefactors as well as Hardy's claims of voter fraud and election fraud.

By all rights, he should be trailing his opponent, Ruben Kihuen. If you missed it, Ruben spoke at the DNC last week, and of course, Hardy criticized him for that, as if he was sucking up to the Hollywood elite. I guess he's no Scott Baio, eh Hardy?

Hardy himself said he doesn't want to politicize the Immigration issue, but how else is a LEGISLATIVE BODY supposed to create LAWS about our antiquated policies? Perhaps his interviewer didn't have time to ask how the heck does Congress not politicize matters of politics? I can't imagine a district that is over 30% Hispanic voting for this xenophobe!

Does Hardy really think his constituents appreciate him going to bat for all the wealthy potential public land thieves whose bidding he happily does? In fact, Hardy completely lied about the viewpoints of most Nevadans, who don't want our BLM land privatized. It's very telling a that he thinks that tens of millions of Americans finally getting to see a doctor is a frivolous waste of the time the Dems had the WH and both houses.

In case you were wondering about the POTUS position he has taken, the answer is, yes. Hardy is behind Drumpf's candidacy, even though he initially was for Marco Rubio. Is he an Etch-a-Sketch too?

(from March, 2016) But, like a good GOP robot, Hardy also has pledged that he would support Donald Trump if he becomes the GOP nominee....

Just like Drumpf, Hardy shouldn't be in charge of anything or anyone. PERIOD.

Finally, here's a special shoutout to Let's Talk Nevada. I truly believe that as Eclectablog is to Michigan, Let's Talk Nevada is to the Silver State.

We will get into all the NV races in upcoming articles. *LOC

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