Oh. More Clinton Emails. Hold Me Back.

It's Monday, so that means More Clinton Emails!

Oh. More Clinton Emails. Hold Me Back.

We've known for some time that the FBI has managed to dig up more Clinton emails, so I'm not quite sure why more Clinton emails being released has everyone so excited today.

We have an approximate number of emails: 14,900 or so. But, as State has noted in court, not all of the emails may be work-related. And not all of the emails may be released...there are several exemptions that can and will filter that number.

We also known how the FBI was able to recover the emails. The FBI was able to recover many of the deleted emails using bit bucket tools and disk fragments. Before people salivate at finding a nugget among these, most were deleted because they just weren't worth saving.

In addition, the FBI was able to recover Clinton emails from other email accounts. As I've noted in the past, Clinton typically forwarded copies of emails to her staff at State. They've been able to recover some of the emails from Clinton's AT&T Blackberry using this approach.

None of this is new information. I guess people just get excited because they now have a number.

Will there be anything in the emails to derail a Clinton campaign? Only in Judicial Watch's fevered mind. If the Media reports on the emails fairly and comprehensively, they just won't raise any interest. However, if the Media does what it has been doing the last several months, the emails will be cherry picked, innocuous events will be reported as "troubling" or "potentially damaging", and the rest of us will just have to put up with the sound of fingernails on a chalk board in our minds.

Now, I did find some of the news to be interesting. Yet another Judge is demanding that State give the documents covered in its particular FOIA lawsuit, the highest priority.

That's three judges—Sullivan, Lamberth, and Boasberg—demanding that the State be most responsive to their court's demands for FOIA processing. Don't these judges talk to each other? How can each get "top priority"?

Three. And that doesn't include the Judge who also wants priority, but at the same time, is at least acknowledging that perhaps the State giving all of its processing time to meeting court demands kind of works against that whole FOIA for everyone thing.

And the Judges seem to think that all State has to do is hire more people. The problem is, every person has to have a security clearance, they have to have the training in recognizing exemptions, and State is still operating under a 15% cut in its budget.

I guess we can just fire all the guards at the embassies.

But hey! This is the American way. Who would I be, if I wanted to stand in the way of Judicial Watch's never-ending FOIA demands, or the Republican Party's desperate attempt to find anything (aided and abetted by the Russian Government) to use against Clinton...no matter how insignificant, or trivial. And no matter how much it costs the American tax payer.

So, we'll have more Clinton emails. Among them will be emails that will be cherry picked or published out of context by the "conservative" news media, picked up by CNN, Washington Post, or NBC News, about yet another "troubling" or "potentially damaging" finding.

And I'll be here, with my little pen ready to bust the balloons.


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