Scarborough To Mika: Your Opinion Means Nothing, Because You're A Democrat
A patronizing remark caused Mika Brezinski to do a sharp double-take this morning.
Joe Scarborough did some serious mansplaining this morning for Mika, saying her opinion meant nothing to Republicans who have to figure out what to do about Donald Trump.
Source: Politico
MSNBC co-hosts Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough exchanged heated words on air Wednesday morning while trying to make the same point that the Republican leadership is not denouncing Donald Trump strongly enough.
The argument started when Brzezinski laid into Ryan over the Wisconsin Republican’s fresh refusal to disavow Donald Trump after the Manhattan billionaire suggested at a rally on Tuesday that “the Second Amendment people” might be the only group capable of stopping Hillary Clinton from appointing liberal judges if she’s elected. Many interpreted the comment as, at best, a joke about assassinating her, and the remark was widely denounced by politicians and pundits from both parties.
“Please, Paul Ryan, go home and spend more time with your family. Okay? You need to be grounded,” Brzezinski said Wednesday morning amid a discussion about why the GOP’s most prominent leaders have thus far refused to reject their party’s presidential nominee. She was interrupted by Scarborough, who wanted to make a similar point himself.
“You're a Democrat. Mika, you’re a Democrat,” he said. “Let me say this. Let me say this, because it means nothing coming from you. You’re a Democrat.”
“Excuse me?” a perturbed Brzezinski interjected.
“It means nothing coming from a Democrat to these Republicans,” Scarborough said.
“Let me say this to my Republican party. You are letting Donald Trump destroy the party. And you've done it from the beginning. We've said from the very beginning when he started blowing himself up. When Paul Ryan endorsed him, that it's only going to get worse. And it just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?”