Shakeup At Trump Campaign Guarantees Nastier Politics Ahead

Oh yeah, THIS is going to "turn it around."

Oh look, a shiny thing! Cable News stopped talking this morning about Second Amendment Remedies and whether the President of the United States is the founder of a terrorist organization and how a Gold Star family are actually Sharia Law infiltrators, because...

Campaign Shake Up!!!

The Trump Campaign announced changes in their leadership this morning. Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway is campaign manager, Stephen Bannon of Breitbart and formerly with Goldman Sachs (isn't everybody?) is now "Chief Executive," and Paul Manafort becomes "Chairman".

The Morning Joe panel tried really hard to polish this turd. Bannon has no campaign experience whatsoever, and the expectation is he will allow Trump to double down on big rallies and Hillary hate that has been working so well for Trump since the fabulous Republican Convention.

One thing we can expect is that the campaign will get nastier. C&L readers know full well the legacy of Andrew Breitbart is one of nasty no-ethics edited-video sliming, 24/7/365.

And of course, at the time it was convenient to say so, the late Andrew Breitbart was happy to point to Trump as "Not a Conservative." h/t Scarce for the video:

One can also expect that this kind of politics will do nothing to bring women and African Americans and young people, you know, the WINNING Obama coalition, any closer to voting for this orange clownstick.

But good job, Manafort, distracting the media from what your candidate is actually saying. Again.

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