Tea Party Rally Speaker: You're Not Racist If You Hate Mexicans
And go ahead and hate Muslims too, because they blow things up.
Ed Martin, Phyllis Schlafly's spokesman, clearing up what is and what isn't considered racist in Donald Trump's Amerika. Martin spoke just before Jim Hoft, the conservative blogger The Gateway Pundit aka “The Stupidest Man on the Internet”. Martin was the former Missouri Republican Party director.
Source: St. Louis Dispatch
Ed Martin, who ran for Missouri attorney general four years ago and now is the chief spokesman and ally to conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, said at a Tea Party rally in the St. Louis area Sunday:
"You're not racist if you don't like Mexicans. They're from a nation. If you don't think Muslims are vetted enough, because they blow things up, that's not racist."
Martin told the Post-Dispatch in a written statement that his comments regarding Mexicans were aimed only at illegal immigrants.
Regarding his comments on Muslims, he said: "My point is that it is not racist to make clear that some Muslims should not be coming to America. They are not a race but a religion and there are white, black and brown Muslims and we need to make sure that the ones who wish us ill are not allowed to enter America."