Today In Republican Civil War: Rand Paul Vs. Liz Cheney
The Wyoming Republican Primary is today, and Liz Cheney's opponent just got the big Rand Paul bump!

Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick "Darth" Cheney, former Fox News personality and "the most important Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs in our nation's history, maybe ever" (h/t Tengrain) failed at her attempt to oust a sitting Republican Senator in 2014, is back running for the state's lone House seat. The primary is today.
Liz Cheney didn't make a lot of friends in the Wyoming GOP when she ran for the Senate, so this time she is running for an open seat and not being, you know, a big meanie.
Who will save us from Congresswoman Cheney?
When Wyoming Republicans head to the polls Tuesday to decide the party’s nominee for Congress, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul says they’ll help settle the question about the “direction of the Republican Party.”
Liz Cheney – a former Fox News commentator whose father, Vice President Dick Cheney, held the state’s sole seat in the U.S. House for 12 years – is the favorite of eight candidates to win the open contest, but Paul on Sunday endorsed a leading rival, state Sen. Leland Christensen.
For voters in Wyoming, Paul said it’s a choice between a “big government” Republican, which is how he views Cheney, and a “constitutional conservative,” which is how he sees Christensen.
Oh that old "constitutional conservative" canard. Rand, don't you know the rule about NO REBRANDING of the Republican Party? You've spent all the chips you have for that on The Tea Party. No backsies.
No matter what Rand Paul says, I sure hope Liz Cheney gets her butt handed to her in today's primary. The Republican candidate is sure to win the seat, and I don't want to see "Congresswoman Cheney" interviewed by Chuck Todd on a weekly basis to provide "analysis" of how Benghazi secret lesbian baby parts Whitewater Sidney Blumenthal Guantanamo emails purjury healthcare Isis founder because woman card President Clinton is ruining America and appeasing our enemies this week.