WV Attorney-General Fires Spokesperson For Appearing In White Supremacist Video

Another one learns that actions do have consequences.

It took about an hour after the West Virginia Gazette published their story for the Attorney-General's office to fire her, releasing a statement saying that Bowe “is no longer a member of this office.”

Source: NY Daily News

A spokeswoman for West Virginia's attorney general has been fired after an overtly racist YouTube video shows her reciting well-known white supremacist slogans.

Carrie Bowe, who started working as an assistant communications director under Republican Attorney General Patrick Morrissey in 2015, was fired only hours after the West Virginia Gazette published an article about the outrageous video Thursday.

In the shocking video called "THE 'Stop White Genocide' Video," Bowe repeatedly states, "anti-racist is a code word for anti-white," a well-known phrase coined by notorious South Carolina white supremacist Bob Whitaker.

"Everybody says the final solution to this race problem is for every white country, and only white countries, to assimilate, i.e., intermarry with all those non-whites," Bowe says in the video before an unidentified woman chimes in, "How long would it take anyone to realize, I'm not talking (about) a race problem, I'm talking about the final solution to the black problem?"

The "final solution" was a term coined by the Nazis in their efforts to exterminate Jews across Europe in the 1930s and 1940s.

Bowe published this half-assed 'apology' on her Facebook page, just before the story broke.

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