Ben Carson: You Can't Call Trump A Racist Because Bill Clinton Talked About Illegal Immigrants In 1995

When all else fails, blame a Clinton.

Donald Trump has based his entire campaign on an endless supply of racism, xenophobia, hatred, sexism, fearmongering and demonizing Muslims and undocumented immigrants in the United States, but don't dare call him a racist, because Bill Clinton mentioned "illegal immigration" during his state of the union address back in 1995.

So says Dr. Stabby Ben Carson when he was asked by Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace why Donald Trump's advisor and immigration lawyer Jacob Monty and Alfonso Aguilar, the president of Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, withdrew their support for Donald Trump after listening to his fearmongering white nationalist "policy speech" last week.

Trump's son blamed the "leftist media" for the exodus. Now Ben Carson is blaming Bill Clinton.

WALLACE: Dr. Carson, Trump has a Hispanic advisory council. But after his hardline speech on immigration this week, several members of that council quit. Here's one of them.


JACOB MONTY, FORMER TRUMP HISPANIC ADVISER: It was not a Republican speech. It was not a compassionate speech. I was very disappointed and I’m not going to be part of that.


WALLACE: Question: do you worry --

CARSON: Do you know what I would say?

WALLACE: -- do you worry that you're being used as a prop and the support of Donald Trump will end up hurting your credibility in the black community?

CARSON: It's not about me. It’s long time ago. It’s about our nation.

But I would suggest, Chris, go back and look at the 1995 State of the Union Address by Bill Clinton. And see what he said. He said, illegal aliens are creating big problems for us and we're going to put a lot more border patrol people on and secure our border and we're not going to have people able to work who come in illegally. We're going to cut off their welfare benefits and we're going to deport people in record numbers.

You know, he says basically the same thing, but when he says it, wow, great, standing ovation, this is a great president. But when Trump says it, it's hate speech. What hypocrisy. What incredible hypocrisy.

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