Chuck Todd Scolds Trump Spox For Touting Click Polls
It was a rare moment of clarity for Chuck Todd, but Jason Miller just couldn't take the hint.
Donald Trump has been vacillating between declaring himself the yuge winner of the debate and whining that he lost because both the moderator and the microphone were against him.
Directly following the debate, some non-scientific online polls were flooded with Pro-Trump voters that suspiciously started showing him winning, while almost every scientific poll, pundit and viewer declared Hillary the winner by TKO.
Jason Miller joined Chuck Todd tonight on Meet the Press Daily and the spin he tried to give when using unscientific online polls as proof that Donald Trump had indeed won infuriated Chuck Todd so much he nearly climbed across the table to shake some sense into him.
Just as Joseph Goebbels was to Hitler, Jason Miller is one of Herr Trump's most loyal minions, focusing his "skills" on public speaking, increasing animosity towards certain groups and attempting to control media and propaganda. His role, as was Goebbels', is to "spin" everything to favor his candidate and to uphold even the most glaring lies, mistakes and missteps. Miller is sometimes effective, but he failed miserably in this interview. You can't slap lipstick on a pig, eh, Jason Goebbels?
Just watch this interview snippet. Potato-headed Miller could barely force the lies out of his mouth. You could see his discomfort, yet he had to do it to earn that coveted paycheck. Some tells that even HE knows he is lying?
1. Hard swallowing before he lies.
2. Rapid blinking.
3. Smiling when he says that Hillary won (duh)
4. He keeps saying "Chuck" over and over again
Also, he needs to get rid of that goatee. It looks awful.