Conway Slags Reporters, Again

These are not profiles in courage and this is not journalism, said Conway.

Kellyanne Conway was on Morning Joe bright and early to criticize the embedded reporters with the Trump campaign. Apparently calling Trump's many lies and falsehoods for what they are gets you in trouble with that campaign. "Fact-checking" has become "slander" in their view.

Whether the message is really for the reporters, Trump's rabid followers who hate the media with a seething passion, or tonight's debate moderator, Lester Holt, is an open question. But one thing is certain, this is a campaign that doesn't like being called on its' lies.

CONWAY: “Look at the Twitter feeds of ‘objective reporters’, particularly our embeds. These are not profiles in courage and this is not journalism. There are people who cover our campaign who actually just slander our candidate…I have them on my desk. We printed them all out…Why are they on our campaign plane. Why are they covering our campaign if they can’t say ‘hey, look at this crowd of….look at the RSVPs of 32,000 people in Fort Myers, Florida, and the place only held 8,500. Hey look at the rise in the polls….excuse the Trump campaign if we feel we can’t get a fair shake from certain people.”

Conway was seemingly upset when Halperin asked how Trump could keep saying things that were "factually incorrect". (You're not allowed to say "Trump lied" on Morning Joe.)

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