Is Newt Gingrich Angling For Hillary's Old Job?

Gingrich oozes praise for Putin, as does Trump. But why? The answer is clear.

Chris Wallace's Fox News Sunday addressed the appearance of Donald Trump on Larry King's show which airs on Russia Today, which is, like it or not, owned by Vladimir Putin. Coming to his defense, like a good lapdog, is the embarrassingly disgraced former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich who has expressed great interest in becoming a pivotal member of (God Forbid!) Trump's cabinet.

WALLACE: Mr. Speaker, we're talking about someone who runs, in Putin, a repressive regime, who kills his opponents, who invades other countries and he’s more of a leader than --

GINGRICH: Well, and more effective.

WALLACE: No, he said more of a leader.

GINGRICH: In achieving -- in achieving his goals. But -- but....

WALLACE: He said, "he's been a leader far more than our president has been a leader." And Mike Pence said, "Vladimir Putin has been a stronger leader in his country."

GINGRICH: I think he certainly has been a very strong leader. But -- but let’s go all the way back to George W. Bush, who said she looked into Putin’s eyes and saw his soul. Let’s go back to Hillary, who actually got a button out of a hot tub, painted the wrong word on it for "reset." Actually -- she actually painted "overcharge" because her interpreter was wrong. That’s -- that was her opening. Let's go to this week where Secretary Kerry is sitting down, trying to work out a deal in Syria with the Russians. Let's go to Iran, where this administration’s --

WALLACE: But -- but you can’t -- you can't be comfortable with this continued praise of Vladimir Putin.

Apparently, Mr. Wallace, yes he can. He is perfectly happy to gush over the strength of a tyrannical dictator while denigrating our own President, because that's what Donald does, so maybe Donny will see what a good foot soldier Newt is and he'll be rewarded. Maybe the disgraced former Speaker and philanderer can be Trump's Secretary of State. After all, that is the creme de la creme of Cabinet positions, right?

Remember, in 1994, Newt said,

"I think I am a transformational figure. I think I am trying to effect a change so large that the people who would be hurt by the change, the liberal machine, have a natural reaction ... I think because I'm so systematically purposeful about changing our world.” Another comment from that same year: "People like me are what stand between us and Auschwitz."

Not making that up.

More recently, more of Newt's meeting doodles from around that time were discovered, and to label him a megalomaniac is too mild.

Gingrich—Primary Mission

—Advocate of civilization

—Definer of civilization

—Teacher of the rules of civilization

—Arouser of those who form civilization

—Organizer of the pro-civilization activists

—Leader (possibly) of the civilizing forces.

What do you mean, "possibly"?!? Gee, Newt. A position in the Trump administration would be such a step down from "leader of the civilizing forces."

Or perhaps, Newt is just seriously delusional. I suppose that's why he fits in so well with Donald Trump.

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