Donald Trump's ISIS Plan Discovered And You Won't Believe What It Is!

It appears Donald Trump is a fan of 'The Office' because now we understand why he won't reveal his plans to fight ISIS.

For over a year now, Donald Trump has been touting this supposed "defeat ISIS" plan of his. When pressed for details he just says things like "it is so good, you won't believe it" or "trust me, we will blow them all up in 2 hours and it will be beautiful."

Well, we at Crooks and Liars have dug deep, worked around the clock to find this plan. And I think we have found the source. It is an unlikely source, a media giant in fact. No, not serial sexual harasser Roger Ailes. Not antisemitic Bannon.

I won't ruin it for you. Just watch the clip.

Donald, your secret is out.

Here's the rough transcript from season 7 episode 24: "Search Committee."

Henry: I have a three step plan that could effectively double your profits.

Jim: Really, what is it?

Henry: Nice try.

Toby: What is your three step plan?

Henry: Well, I can't just hand you may plan. I mean, if you guys give me the job then you'll get the plan.

Gabe: It's an interview and we don't know that you really have a plan.

Henry: Well, I'm not just gonna make up I have a plan, I gotta plan, believe me. You guys want it, you're in paper, right?

Gabe: How do we know that?

Jim: You could just be saying it to get the job

Henry: I guess I could be..if I was...who would do that?

Jim: How about this. Why don't you give us a part of the plan and that way we knwo youhave it.

Henry: Tell you what, I'll give you part three of part two. I'm not going ot give you a whole part.

Jim: OK

Henry: Color code, send documents TM

Jim: Did you just trade mark that?

Henry: It's a verbal trademark, that's an agreement.

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