FBI Releases Clinton Documents. Let The Cherry Picking Begin!

The FBI releases its investigative documents on the Clinton Emails. Misrepresentations in the Press will appear in 3...2..1

The FBI released its investigative documents on the Clinton emails, and rather than be a treasure trove for the GOP, they vindicate Hillary Clinton.

They show us a person who really isn't into technology; who depended on others to set up her email server, and keep it running and secure. They also show us a person who really didn't see email as an essential element in her job.

They also show us that security measures were taken, though with some hiccups now and again. However, the only security breaches the FBI could find were to servers others used who exchanged emails with Clinton. And that includes State Department employees.

The FBI minutely questioned Clinton about the emails marked with the small-c, i.e. (c). As I, and others, suspected, she didn't know what (c) meant. She was dependent on classified headers and footers to identify classified material.

Clinton disagreed with the post-classification of the emails, and she stated, more than once, that she depended on State career employees to ensure documents were properly classified before sending to her.

She noted, several times, that secure discussions typically happened in person, in her office at State, her secured room in her own home, or in the White House. She never saw email as a secure communication mechanism.

It's too bad Judicial Watch wasted so much time on the questions it sent to Clinton, because the answer to most of them are in these two documents. Might have saved everyone some time.

The reports provide very little new information, other than the exact computer systems and software used. They're also, overall, positive for Clinton.

Of course, it's a weekend and the Press is bored. Expect the cherries to fall. But this time, you'll have the original documents, and you can fact-check for yourself.

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