Fox Pundit Labels Trump's Inappropriate Twitter Storm Just 'Off Message'
Chris Stirewalt finds this whole Miss Universe sex tape tweetstorm just 'off message?' That's letting him off way too easy.
For almost two months, "Mister" (as he demands to be addressed) Trump's very slippery campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway was doing a fairly decent job at reeling in the crazy antics of her boss, Candidate Trump. He was gaining in the polls and making this election, terrifyingly enough, a real horserace. Then Monday's debate happened, he got his butt handed to him by a far superior female opponent and whaddaya know? He's BAAAACK!
Now we see the Trump who won the GOP primaries, appealing to the fringe, racist demographic. This is reality TV Star Donald Trump at his worst: The fame-mongering, misogynist, mendacious, unpredictable, unscripted, petulant con-artist could no longer stand taking a back seat to his alter-ego, the faux personality Conway so carefully crafted. And where did he go to let off steam? Where else? Twitter.
On America's Newsroom this morning, Fox News digital politics editor Chris Stirewalt said that these statements play well with Trump's supporters, but those voters aren't enough to win him the election.
"What matters for Trump ... is the next five percent that he needs. He needs these voters. He's off message," said Stirewalt, adding that it "doesn't matter" whether Trump is right about Machado's character.
He said Trump is focusing on what the Clinton campaign wants to talk about: his track record of derogatory comments toward women.
"The way that you win in politics is by controlling the message, not being controlled by it," said Stirewalt.
Stirewalt is worried about controlling the message? How about trying not to be lewd, vulgar and inappropriate first, then work on the messaging. Trump's behavior is so far beneath the dignity of the office of POTUS, there's no comparison low enough to match the Orange Wannabe Fuhrer.
Drumpf is rather bitter because he was called out on derogatory remarks towards Alicia Machado, spanning the course of twenty years. Donny doesn't like when his past and present bad behavior is brought out into the open, and it gets under his skin. And if you want to see Donald start fuming, just watch him get smacked down, once again, by his female opponent. On Twitter, of course.
That's how you handle Donald Trump. Keep digging, Democrats. We can do this!